952336695   697590601



We are experts in advice and services that your Pharmacy Office needs.

We offer personalized and comprehensive advice for the Pharmaceutical Professional. We are specialists in pharmacy appraisal, and we know in depth the problems of the sector to know how much my pharmacy office is worth.

We are an objective firm, specialists and independent, we have a team of professionals with more than 23 years of experience in the sector, all of them Economists and Lawyers who prepare the necessary reports, and contracts to ensure maximum satisfaction in the transaction and know the Goodwill individuallly, its projection, to know when is the best moment for the transfer.

We use a variety of methods and contexts in our reports, so you can use our appraisals for a variety of purposes:

  • Purchase and sale at market value.
  • Inheritances and Donations.
  • Transfers between partners of parts of the business, as well as separation of partners.
  • As a fiscal operation.
  • Valuation of parts of the business.

We are fiscal specialists in Pharmacy Office professionals, wher we solve all the doubts that concern your activity. For this reason, we carry out Tax Planning to lower your tax bill, and for this we advise you:

  • Seek the tax benefit in investments in new technologies (cash management machine, robot: FARMARENOVE).
  • We study the Income of previous years.
  • We verify the accounting and carry out the bank reconciliation, to discover everything that can be deducted.
  • We audit the accounting data, at the request of the client.
  • We offer solutions to obtain the best possible taxation.
  • We meet with all clients before the closing, to plan what theri Income will be and make decisions, and at the opening of the fiscal year, to plan the following fiscal year.

We advise on the application and interpretation of the Pharmacy Agreement and its particularities, such as:

  • What salary agreement and tables are currently applied?
  • The problem of the day and working hours of pharmacy employees.
  • Ordinary, complementary and extraordianry hours. Differences and application of the same.
  • Specialties regarding the enjoyment of vacations.
  • Obligation to take out Accident Insurance for the workers.
  • Peculiarities of the penalty system.

We inform you of the news regarding Self-Employment and how they directly affect the pharmacist, as a worker affected by the Special Scheme for Self-Employed Workers, among them:

  • Bonuses for hiring family members.
  • Commuting accident coverage.
  • Possibility of changing the contribution bases up to 4 times a year.
  • Total compatibility of the retirement pension and the activity.
  • Better system for accident and retirement purposes.
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